Friday, December 30, 2011
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Family Pics!

Monday, November 29, 2010
Turkey Day & Updates
Well now for a little bit of catch up...
The kids are doing great and growing up fast! It's crazy to look back and wonder where the time goes! Xander is 3 and can't wait to start school, he asks every day he sees the school bus come by if he can ride on it and go to school! He is such a great brother and is so talented, I can't wait to get him into sports, but man time flies, and sadly with the second kid goes even faster! Kogan is already 8 months and is crawling around and pulling himself up standing. He can babble a few things such as mum mum and da da and ba ba! He is such a happy little guy although we call him our barf bag because he literally is! I swear he'd be as big as his brother if he could keep everything down that he took in, he is a great eater!
Nick has closed another chapter with the end of the football season, they had a great season accomplishing a great west conference championship and were invited into the big sky conference! He will have his degree the end of this semester a major in Criminal Justice and minor in psychology, but may be continuing to get a second minor in Biology! We aren't really sure what we're going to do, just roll with the punches I suppose!
We're excited for Christmas especially Xander, he saw presents under grandma's tree and everyday he asks if it's Christmas yet so he can open them... it's gonna be a long 26 days!
Well I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and hope to have even better Christmas's'!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Xander's 3rd Birthday!
Splash pad action!!! He's one mean kid with a squirt gun!
The birthday loot!
Just showin' you all what a three year old does best.... Doesn't listen but looks cute doing it... or would that be not doing it!? :)
I can't believe how fast three years have flown and how much a kid can grow in that amount of time! Xander is so full of life and a total boy.... bugs, worms, boogers, the whole nine yards! He has the funniest personality and says the darndest things. I love to see him learn and grow! He amazes me how mature he can be at times, he loves to help with everything even if I would rather him not. He's a great big brother and loves to play with his friends and cousins! He was the most coordinated 2 year old I know, and possibly still at the age of 3 and he can't wait to play sports! We love our little big guy and look forward to many more birthdays!