Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cal Poly Trip

Every year I planned to go to the Cal Poly game in San Luis Obispo, and every year plans fell through until this year... Cyd and I flew to see our men play and I was in for an even bigger surprise. My big brother Ben and sister in law Yuki decided to drive up and join us for the weekend, I was ecstatic to see them. We had a blast. We went to this Castle and although we walked around forever and our tour guide was totally lame, we managed to have some fun of our own, we thought we were hilarious copying the statues! You can't go to Cali and

not visit a beach, so of course we went! We were amazed with the star fish we found, I don't think it appreciated us detaching it from it's rock and poking at it, but we returned it to a safe nook.

The game was totally nerve racking but we ended up losing by ONE stinkin point! By the end of the trip I was ready to be home with my hubby and little Xander man, but was so happy for the experience and memories!

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